Fungus Control

Expert Lawn Fungus Control Service

Serving Mooresville, Huntersville, Cornelius, Davison, Sherrills Ford & Troutman area.

Treating fungus on lawns is a unique process depending on which type of fungus is attaching your grass. With our team of experts we'll identify the lawn fungus and use the right fungicide to help your lawn flourish.

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P&G Lawn Care Services

Fungus Prevention & Fungus Control

This is caused by Rhizoctonia species fungus" . It appears as a brown or yellow circular patch of grass that can vary in size from a few inches to several feet in diameter. Tall fescue grass is more susceptible to brown patch during the hot, humid summer months. Lawn fungicide or fungus control can be applied to the lawn after brown patch has appeared, but it is best to take preventive action and begin applying fungus control for the duration of the summer months. We have selected the best applications and sequences of treatment for North Carolina.

In North Carolina many types of lawn fungus that can pose a threat to your healthy lawn. Rapidly changing cool or hot temperatures and certain watering habits all can contribute to the onset of a lawn fungus or lawn disease. There are a number of warning signs that a lawn fungus of some sort is affecting the health of your lawn.

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P&G Landscaping LLC Fungicide Program

Protect your lawn from fungus problems with the P&G Landscaping LLC Fungicide Program. Our Program consists of 3 to 5 applications of contact and systemic fungicides. The treatments are applied throughout the fungus season. These fungicide treatments, along with proper watering and mowing practices, will drastically reduce the possibility of damage being done to your turf by diseases.

Another benefit of the Preventative Fungicide Program over simply applying fungicides after the appearance of the disease is the reduction of the spread of the fungus throughout the lawn. Keep in mind that although fungicides will kill the fungus that is currently active in your lawn, they can only protect the lawn for a certain period of time.

Serving Mooresville, Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Sherrills Ford, Denver and Troutman.

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Lawn Fungus Damage

P&G Landscaping LLC will determine the lawn fungus that is causing damage. These particular fungi that damage our lawns are parasitic and basically steal nutrients from grass and our plants, which causes the grass to decay, turn brown or in some cases die. When a fungal spore encounters a lawn condition in the right environmental conditions, a disease is likely to develop.

  • Bare Spots         
  • Brown Patches
  • Yellow Grass       
  • Bleached Looking Turf
  • Stunted Growth
  • Shredded or Shriveled Grass Blades
  • Small Lesions on Grass Leaf
  • Dark Growth
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Here are just a few of the lawn fungai that P&G Landscaping LLC treats:


  • Yellow Patch – Circular patches of light tan to brown grass, favored by cool, wet conditions.
  • Pink Snow Mold – White to pink fungal growth that feels slimy, favored by abundant moisture.
  • Gray Snow Mold – White to gray fungal growth that may form large irregular patches, favored by abundant moisture or snow cover.
  • Leptosphaeria Patch – Circular yellow patches or tan to brown grass, favored by cool, wet weather.
  • Stripe Smut – Stunted grass with a lighter yellow to green color, favored by high moisture conditions.
  • Leaf Spot/Melting Out – Tiny, circular, dark spots or larger purplish spots, favored by cool air temperatures, moist conditions and improper mowing.
  • Red Thread/Pink Patch – Small, light pink to red patches, favored by cooler weather and moist conditions.
  • Dollar Spot – Circular patches with reddish-brown borders, favored by humidity.
  • Brown Patch – Circular, light brown patches, favored by moist conditions or areas that remain wet.
  • Fairy Ring – Circular patches of dark green, often enlarged into rings, favored by mild temperatures and moisture, and sometimes in dry, hot conditions.
  • Rust – Small, yellow flecks on leaves, sometimes enlarged to form rust-colored pustules, favored by moderately warm and humid conditions.

Call us right away at the first sign of a fungai infection. Of course we will be looking for fungai infections during our regular lawn care program visits.

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